Friday, July 13, 2012


It is dry. It is beyond dry. We haven't gotten any rain this month and last month was less than an inch. I have given up on my flower beds. The only thing worth trying to save by watering is the vegetables. They seem to be doing alright; it's not going to be a fabulous crop but we will have some. 

This would be my yard right now. You not only have to wear shoes because we have birds but, the grass is so crunch on your feet. Gus seems to enjoy rolling in it and bringing all the dead grass into the house. 

Remember the hummingbird moth. He landed in a planter I had on the back porch. Look at the beautiful color and healthy flowers. 

And now not so much. I did try to save it by watering it, but maybe I didn't do it enough. 

Some sneaky geese and ducks finished it off. It wasn't this bad when I left for work this morning. How do I know it was them; they left some evidence on the porch, poo. I think it is time to start thinking about putting a fence around the back porch. 

There is a 60% chance of rain this weekend. I better go do a rain dance and see if I can up our odds to 100%.

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