Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tractor Cake for the Birthday Boys

My sister-in-law called me last week and asked if I could make a cake for her little boy's birthday. Ummm heck yes I want to make a tractor cake!!
Now to decide if I want to make a 3D cake or a sheet cake with some toy tractors on it. What two year old wouldn't want to push his tractors through a field of frosting and Oreo! Then I remember my crafty aunt has oodles of the Wilton formed cake pans. I gave her a jingle jangle, yes she had a tractor pan, of course I could borrow it.

  Alas I have no decent picture of the cake itself but the smirk on this little boys face should tell you it was a hit. Naturally he was drawn to the black frosting on the wheels.

That's his Buppa in the picture, they happen to share a birthday. Lucky boys!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Foxy - Quilt Top

Sometimes simply patchwork is the best. Let the fabric speak for itself. I needed that this week, some easy piecing - sew press repeat. Cute fabric is definitely a plus. Now to find something for the back of this baby quilt. I'm thinking I might have to make a trip to the fabric store for some soft and cuddly minky. 

Gus was not overly impressed by our mini photo shoot this afternoon. But like a trooper he hung out with me. He has been pretty needy these past two weeks, not leaving my side very often. I'm rather enjoying his company.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

On Tuna, Downton Abbey, and Godzilla

 I can hardly believe we are almost a month into 2015 already! Time seems to move so quickly. Did you survive your holidays? Here at the Acres we made it. Now we just need to survive until the spring. This lady is not a huge fan of Wisconsin winters.

Earlier this month Mr. B left for an adventure in Japan to fight Godzilla, or at least that is what we told our four year old niece. I've been livin' the single; life tuna melts for dinner twice in one week! (MR. B is not a fan of tuna) The fur babies and I have regular snuggle dates on the couch. Our goal is to make it through all five seasons of Downton Abbey before he returns. Well I suppose that is my goal, the two of them really don't care what we watch as long as they get to curl up on the couch with mom.

Needless to say in the coming weeks please be prepared for a slew of posts featuring quilty projects and cute pictures of the furry kids.