Tuesday, June 5, 2012

MIA Camera and Operation Stairs

It was a crazy busy productive weekend at the acres!! I have so many things I am excited to show you. We were able to finished up allot of our half done projects, with the help of my supper amazing mother. Truly a wonder woman, our house would still have several lime green walls and shag carpet if it weren't for her!

We had started some projects early this spring when it was still crummy outside. Then it got nice and we put all the house projects on hold for a while. Big yard = lots of work! I snapped some pictures as we went along and last night it was sunny out so I wanted to get some good ones of the finished product, wouldn't you know I couldn't find the camera! I think it got misplaced in the clean up. I guess I will have to look for it tonight.  

I did snap this picture on my phone and I thought I could share one project with you. I finally finished operation stairs! (Well almost done, I need to clean the vent on the bottom stair and put it back to cover that gaping hole. But let's pretend like that's done already) 

I really wish I had a before picture for you to see how far these stairs have come. I'm talking shag greenish/cammo carpeting and pale lime green walls. I wish I could take credit for the idea but I got my inspiration from this staircase redo.

Instead of staining my sitars like Kate, which was the original plan, I ended up painting them. When we tore off the carpet back in March we realized they were already painted. I was not about to go though the hassle of sanding them all down, call me lazy I'm OK with it. After a discussion with the peeps in the paint center at my local Homedepot, I figured that using deck and floor paint would be the best paint to use. (seriously talk to these people if you have a question most of them know their stuff!) Three months and several coats of paint later the fruits of my labor paid off.
I learned somethings along the way and thought I would share them with you.
  • With my mother, there is no such thing as ripping up a corner of carpet to see what it looks like underneath. Mr. B was not the happiest person that we went ahead and tore up all the carpet on the stairs and hallway. He got over it and is glad we went all out on this one.
  • Paint the top board of the stair first. Yeah, I did the white base board and kick board (whatever you call it) first. I ended up having to do allot of touch up work on this one.
  • Painters tape is your friend on a project like this. Normally I am anti tape, give me a good angled brush and we can skip that annoying and time consuming step. Not on this one. Let me repeat, tape is your friend.
  • Make sure all of the adhesive from the linoleum/rubber matting is off. It stained through my primer and my paint. Maybe it's the primer I used or maybe it's the glue that was on the stairs. Either way I had to resand and repaint some areas. I was not about to have some nasty brown stains on my white stairs.
All in all it was a time consuming project with a huge payoff. Defiantly work the time and effort.

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