Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Goose (and duck) Coop

Last year, when we first started with three geese, Mr. B converted part of our shed into the goose coop/run. There was a section on the shed the we think was a corn crib. It is a little over four feet wide by about twenty-two feet long, with a concrete floor. Concrete floor means no critters can dig their way it. It has a people door from the outside and because it was a corn crib there is space between the boards so there would be enough ventilation in the summer time. It would make a perfect spot for the coop. All that we needed to do was bust out the saw and cut in a door. Mr. B was in charge of that. He also built the step out of a reclaimed pallet, the door was a tad too high for little goosie legs.

We put plywood on the bottom half of the walls last winter to keep out the draft. Geese and ducks are very hardy birds, they have a built in down jacket. As long as they can get out of the wind they are just fine, so no need to go all the way up with the plywood or insulate. We decided to leave the boards up for the summer as they keep out allot of the water when we get a nasty rain and there still is enough ventilation on the top so nobody gets too hot. Before the new batch of babies moved outside Mr. B added the hardware cloth to the top of the walls and across the ceiling. We lost a duck last fall because something, a mink or weasel, was able to get into the coop.

I also wanted a run attached to the coop. A place to corral the birds while are gone. Mr. B really stepped up on this one and built a nice sturdy fence. As an added bonus we have two crab apple trees growing in that space. It helps keep the little ones safe from the hawks without the use of poultry netting. When the apples drop they make a nice snack. Last fall Patty and Bernie's beaks were stained red for a week from all the apples!

It is not as elaborate and beautiful as some of the coops you see at back yard chickens. You really need to check that sight out. I am totally envious of some peoples chickens. But then again they all don't have this totally awesome sign!

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