Tuesday, April 1, 2014

On My Table

Immediately after I typed that post title I thought of the show Dexter. Have you ever seen it? In the past Mr. B and I were really into it. The eighth and final season has been available on Netflix for a while now and we’ve had the first disk sitting on the tv stand for a few weeks. We just haven’t been in the mood to watch it. Perhaps I should throw in the towel, just give up on it, and move on to more important things like the third season of Game of Thrones. Perhaps I’ll give it another week or so.
Any who, how was your weekend? We have been battling nasty sinus-ey head colds at the Acres and are just starting to feel human again, hence the lack of updates.  So, not much exciting going on here. We did plug away at the spring cleaning this weekend. I found a check list online and decided this was the year; the house would be thoroughly cleaned. I think it will be the first time some of windows have been washed since we moved int. Speaking of washing windows, I have discovered Mr. B’s talent at it. A-mazing job, which is great because it is one of my least favorite things involved in cleaning. That and finding nasty globs of hair stuck in the drain. EEW!! You can find the printable here if you are intrested in using it for your own spring clean.
I have also been puttering away at a new quilt. A friend commissioned me to make one for her friend’s baby shower. Only requirement: pinks, yellows, and greys. I love having a little bit of direction but the freedom to do my own thing! I have so many ideas and things I want to make bounching around in my head; it’s nice to have a push in one direction once in a while.

 I’m in love with the way this is turning out! I might have to make a larger version for myself.  Last night I had the Juki out on the dining room table to do the quilting, straight lines echoing the seams. It is so much easier to manipulate a quilt with the larger table space than my set up in the crafty room. I just have to be mindful and put my things away when I’m done. Mr. B does NOT appreciate my stuff taking over more of the house!
Speaking of a table, we finished the coffee table this weekend!!
Full reveal later this week.
(Hopefully tomorrow but no promises)

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