Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hair Tips I Learned from Pinterest

Today I’m stepping away from the norm of crafties, house projects, and baking to share with you some low maintenance hair styling tricks. I’m far from a fashonista or style guru but I’m just so excited about these not to share them with you! They have changed my life, ok just given me back 15 minutes to my morning. I have to be up early. Like really early. Like 4AM early. Anything I can do to stay in bed a little longer struggling to regain my share of the blankets, fighting the cat for foot space, and listening to Mr. B breath like a caveman is a blessing.

First off, let’s talk about dry shampoo.  A –maz-ing. I kept going back and forth weather to jump on this band wagon. I had heard good things on the web and bad. Like weird crunch residue feeling on your hair, white powder that you didn’t want to get on you cloths. Then I asked my stylist about it. She recommended the one her salon carriers, Surface dry shampoo. Love it, need it, can’t live without it.  Most weeks I only wash my hair every other day thanks to this product. (Sometimes less, shh don’t tell) Spray it in, go a little heavier in you known greasy areas, let it sit a minute and work it in your hair. Bam, non-oil looking hair with great body.

Second low maintenance tip, sock bun curls. This one is far better explained via YouTube.  I normally do this when I wash my hair at night. I let it air dry till it’s just damp, add some mouse to it, and roll it up. Sleep on it, and the next morning beautiful curls. My hair doesn’t do so hot when I try and use a curling iron with it, the curls fall out in a matter of hours. These on the other hand last all day! So go, look it up. Now.  If you have longish hair you will thank me. 

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