Last month I bought this hutch off of Craigslist. After weeks of searching for the perfect piece in the right size and most importantly in the right price range. Mr. B was kind enough to drive me to go pick it up and help me load it in the pick up.
It originally had glass doors; one of which was broken. Those came off right when we got home. Mr. B is always quick when it comes to taking something apart, so alas there are no pictures of the hutch in all it's original glory.
I gave light sanding, I mean very light. I'm not big on striping furniture here; just a quick buzz over the large surfaces to give the paint something to stick to. I used my favorite primer for furniture, Zinzer Oil based. Then three coats of soft white in a semi-gloss.
I decided to keep the original hard ware. I just took it off when I painted and then put it back on, I didn't try and clean it or shine it up at at. I love the way it looks on the white, it really stands out.

This has to be my favorite piece in the crafty room. My fabric stash offers some color to the room. My notions, which are mainly from Mr. B's Grandma, are displayed in old canning jars from my Grandma.
On top of the hutch I was able to display more notions and a book from the Grandmas, not to mention the button-holer (which I have yet to try and I'm sure it will be an adventure)
I'm surrounded by bits and pieces of all the ladies who have inspired and encouraged my craftiness and love of sewing. That gives me the warm fuzzies.
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