After our extra long weekend of family togetherness it was back to work for me on Wednesday. Mr. B, on the other hand had the rest of the week off. The whole shop had Friday off, and "Maggie it doesn't make any sense to go in for two days."
He assured me that he would do something productive around the house, not sit on his bum playing video games. OK. We shall see, track record in that area isn't superb.
He blew the record out of the water. He was a super amazing DIYer and handy man while I was at work. I came home on Thursday to Mr. B putting the finishing touches on our new porch posts. He was wearing a tool belt. My heart goes pitter-patter when Mr. B has on a tool belt, not that you needed to know that.
I'll just stop now and let you admire his handy work with I think about my handy man.
Gus Gus was playing Vanna White while I was snapping the photos.
(Look how green the grass is!! We have been getting rain.)
Because Mr. B was just about finished by the time I got home I was unable to take any before photos for you. You needed to see how crooked one of the posts was. Mr. B said it was like a drunk farmer installed it. I did get these so you could see how bad the old ones were.
They were so rotted out on the bottom that they were swaying in the breeze. They weren't great last summer and when down hill rather quickly last fall and winter. I think there were bugs eating at the wood and Patty and Bernie pecked at the wood trying to get at the bugs. In the process doing a number on the layers of paint.
Luckily they are mainly for decorations. If we got a really heavy snow I'm sure they would do some support work for the overhang. The old posts were the fancy pants turned posts. We opted to go with straight 4x4s. We thought the nice clean lines would look good with the farmhouse. That and they were much easier on the budget. Since we went with the treated we will hopefully deter any bugs and rot for a while. I will just have to wait till next spring to paint. Zebra stripes would be awesome! Wonder what Mr. B would think of that...
He did put the thermometer back up, what country porch is complete without a thermometer?
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