Saturday, August 25, 2012

Freezing Green Beans

The green beans are ready. I don't know what I was thinking when I planted four rows this year. That's three more than I had last year. Despite the drought they are doing marvelous and I need to start harvesting and doing some thing with them. These are just the tip of the ice berg.

I decided to freeze these ones. Easy, simple, and far less time consuming than canning.

 Fist I cut the ends off and washed them.

(Please ignore my disgusting sink, it's old and pealing paint. We are not going to get into why someone would want to try and paint an enamel sink right now. I have a replacement sink in the basement. We just need to install it. Let's  pretend it's  nice shiny white sink for now.)

 Then I blanched them in boiling water for about three minutes. They will turn a deeper green color as they start to cook.

Immediately put them in ice water to stop the cooking.
I laid them out on towels once they were cool to absorb some of the water.

I laid them on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer for about a half hour. Then transferred to gallon freezer bags. I hate it when you just dump things in a bag and toss in the freezer. Then when you want to use it, what ever it is, it is frozen in a big lump. By starting the freezing process with the beans laid flat on a cookie sheet we can avoid the nasty clump.  I can simply pull out however many handfuls I want to use.

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