I wanted to pop by and give you a quick update on the baby birds. They they aren't babies any longer, my kids are growing up. (sad pouty face) I wish they would stay cutesy babies forever! It seemed only yesturday that they could fit in the palm of my hand. Compaired to that they are huge now and have almost all of their big feathers.
Remember how I told you we got runner ducks, well man are thye fast! When I let them out in the morning they make a b-line to their kiddie pool, wathcing their legs go that fast cracks me up. Have you ever seen the episode of the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon is dressed up as the flash and "running" around the appartment, yeah think of that but a duck doing it. These aren't our runners, but this video shows their supper fast moves. The ducks are also starting to quack, all but a handful have lost their baby peeps. While they sounded so adorable as babies it is awesome sitting on the pourch listening to them quack. With fifteen of them I have a feeling it could get quite loud on the acres!
Thelma rules the flock right now, she is the biggest by far. Like the ducks she has most of her big girl feathers. Mr. B said she is going through the phase where she isn't peeping but it's not quite a honk just yet. I haven't noticed. I know, I know I'm a horrible mother! The Toulouse geese were born a little later than everyone esle they are still fuzzy wuzzy and still have their supper cute babiness to them. Which makes this mama happy that she still has wittle wones to snuggle.
Sorry for the lack of picutres. My camera isn't that great, it's older so there is a delay and the zoom is worthless. The birds are still skitsh outside and don't like us to get that close. I will try and see if I can brib them with food in the next few days to get some good pictures.
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