Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The babies are here

Today was an important day on the Acres. I had to go to town to pick this up from the post office.

In the box were fifteen of these cuties.

and two of these adorable fuzz balls.

We have decided to name the geese (the yellow fuzzies) Thelma and Charles. We believe we have a boy and a girl, to the best of our novice goose sexing abilities. The little black cuties, runner ducks, will remain nameless until some personalities develop and they prove they have enough street smarts to make out here on our frontier. 
(Let's just say we had some unwanted visitors last year)

In case you were wondering we ordered the birds from Murry McMurray Hatchery. We purchased some geese from them last year with good luck. These little guys made it to us just fine. Some fresh water and some tasty lettuce and they perked right up.

 Mr. B helped me rig up this high-end brooder box: three Rubbermaids, a pair of saw horses, one of the ramps to get the ATV into the truck and two heat lamps.We know that it is not the most glamours set up but it works. The only thing we had to purchase was a heat lamp and the Rubbermaids, which will be disinfected when the kids are all grown up and we will be able to use them for storage.

The babies need to stay inside under a heat lamp for a few weeks until they have some big bird feathers and can venture outside, about fourish weeks. So for now they are hanging in the dinning room. Not the most common place for birds but it works for us. Its safe and warm and close to one of the limited outlets.


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