Monday, June 23, 2014

My Almost Ticket

Earlier last week I had a hair appointment. The salon I go to is in the ‘big city’ and there is no parking lot. I have to park on the street. Which is no biggy with Giselle, the only car that I’ve ever been semi-decent at parallel parking.  So I normally end up parking a block or two away. Well this there was an open spot right in front of the building. OMG Score!! This never happens to me, my lucky day!
I’m sitting in the chair, it’s been about a half hour by now. We’ve discussed the plan for the color and she’s applied the dye to my roots. Now I had worn pin curls to bed the night before, so my hair had some body to it. Well she had to brush it out to apply the dye. And you know what happens when you brush culries – bring on the frizz.
So I’m sitting in the chair with the dye in, just on my  roots so my frizzy hair sticks out like an afro. I have the black cap around my shoulders that they put on you to keep any dye and hair off of your clothes. I’m skimming through my people magazine catching up an all the celebrity gossip listening to the beauty parlor chat. The one stylist goes oh look someone's getting a ticket.

The gentleman next to me asks if it's the BMW. No not that one. Then I ask is it the MINI. Looks like it. It's parked in the handicap stall. OH CRAP. I run out, mind you I still have the cape on and my hair is frizzy craziness, to plead with the parking attendant. I didn't see the sign I tell him, I was just so excited about the great parking spot. I didn't see the sign hiding behind the tree. I say I'm so sorry; I'll move it right away.  

He tells me go ahead and move it. So I run back inside and grab my keys. The nearest spot I can find is two blocks way. I have to do the walk of shame back to the salon with crazy- dye-in hair. I get issued a warning.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Orange and Blue Churn Dash

I’ve wanted to make a quilt using the traditional churn-dash block for a while now. When I found out my cousin was expecting a baby boy I knew that it was the perfect excuse to do it. I just love the combination of blue and orange for little boys; especially with the bright white for a background.
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process of making this quilt from fabric selection, the repetitiveness of piecing the block (cut sew press trim repeat), and the quilting. Ok not the whole process I’m not a fan of basting never will be. If anyone out there likes crawling around on the floor putting in handfuls of safety pins let me know – I got a job for you!
Once again I used the Juki to straight line quilt in a grid pattern using the seams as my guide. This has become my go-to quilting method lately. I haven’t given up hand quilting completely – I have one in the works right now. Maybe I’ll show you some teaser pictures of that tomorrow. But for now enjoy the simplicity of the churn dash quilt.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

They're Here!!

So much for the New Year’s Resolution, you know posting twice a week. It’s been three weeks since I wrote anything new. YIKES! And it’s not like there hasn’t been things going on. Oh my goodness there has been house projects, gardening, crafties, egg incubating, just to name a few.  That’s just it I get so caught up in crossing things off my to do list, I don’t have the energy to stop and share them with you. Just want to sit on the couch and veg out. Season three of Game of Thrones is out on DVD, need I say more.
Last time we talked I was telling you about the bestest mother’s day present to date: the incubator and eggs. I’m sure you can guess form the title of this post that they hatched. Saturday morning we woke up to three little peep-peeps fresh out of their eggs. The other seven followed by the afternoon. The days leading up were rather intense, I was so impatient to meet them and hold the little fuzzies. First we could see the eggs wobble and we could hear them peeping. Then they started to crack. We could see their little beaks trying to push out of the shell.
I am amazed that all ten hatched. I mean this is our first time incubating and I wasn’t sure we transported them right and there were so many things that could have gone wrong. 100% hatch rate on our first try, impressive. I was hoping for  5 to make it. Mr. B was a great ‘duck daddy’ (his words not mine) monitoring the incubator and rotating the eggs.
The past few days I’ve been enjoying the babies. Right now they are still staying in the house with a heat lamp. It gets too cold at night form them to be out by themselves. The other fur babies seem to be adjusting well to the fuzzies. Gus is in love with them, but jealous if I seem to give them more attention them him. Erwin has been banished from the mudroom. I’m afraid we would want to play with them, with his claws out.
Monday night Mr. B and I brought them outside so they could help me in the gardens. Somehow I managed to be the one to turn the soil and do all the planting, while Gus and Mr. B laid in the grass and played with these cuties.
If you follow me on Facebook, you probably have seen the super adorable video of them in the tub. OMG I almost died from the cuteness.