Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hair Tips I Learned from Pinterest

Today I’m stepping away from the norm of crafties, house projects, and baking to share with you some low maintenance hair styling tricks. I’m far from a fashonista or style guru but I’m just so excited about these not to share them with you! They have changed my life, ok just given me back 15 minutes to my morning. I have to be up early. Like really early. Like 4AM early. Anything I can do to stay in bed a little longer struggling to regain my share of the blankets, fighting the cat for foot space, and listening to Mr. B breath like a caveman is a blessing.

First off, let’s talk about dry shampoo.  A –maz-ing. I kept going back and forth weather to jump on this band wagon. I had heard good things on the web and bad. Like weird crunch residue feeling on your hair, white powder that you didn’t want to get on you cloths. Then I asked my stylist about it. She recommended the one her salon carriers, Surface dry shampoo. Love it, need it, can’t live without it.  Most weeks I only wash my hair every other day thanks to this product. (Sometimes less, shh don’t tell) Spray it in, go a little heavier in you known greasy areas, let it sit a minute and work it in your hair. Bam, non-oil looking hair with great body.

Second low maintenance tip, sock bun curls. This one is far better explained via YouTube.  I normally do this when I wash my hair at night. I let it air dry till it’s just damp, add some mouse to it, and roll it up. Sleep on it, and the next morning beautiful curls. My hair doesn’t do so hot when I try and use a curling iron with it, the curls fall out in a matter of hours. These on the other hand last all day! So go, look it up. Now.  If you have longish hair you will thank me. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Gus and I were practicing our duck-face selfies this weekend. He needs to work on his.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Birthday Dinner

When Mr. B asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday this year, I thought long and hard about what I wanted. I decided that I wanted to have a dinner party. I wanted to be surrounded by friends and cook a spectacular meal. That's exactly what we did.  

Two of my favorite munchkins were there. 

I never got a picture of the cake. But it was delicious! Mr. B put his foot down and said I just couldn't make my own cake. He took me to my most favoritest bakery and let me pick out deserts. I don't know what I was thinking I only picked out one slice per guest. No left overs for me, back to Girl Scout Cookies today. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Lesson in Dinner Time and the Order of Things

When Erwin first arrived at our home it was established rather quickly that he would get fed when Gus did. Trying to leave his dish full at all times so he could snack throughout the day was pointless, unless we wanted to have an obese dog.  And putting his dish up high out of the dogs reach was also. Erwin is a cat of many talents, but vertical hops is not one of them.  So he gets feed twice a day, and he knows when it is time to eat. Dinner time for the fur babies is normally at 5pm. Heaven help you if it gets to 530 and you haven’t fed the cat. He will let you know he is wasting away to nothing.  Like, if you don’t feed him in the next ten minutes he will starve to death. He sings you a song about this as he’s rolling on the floor buy your feet trying to look as cute and needy as possible.  Needless to say these antics normally get his food bowl filled first, just to shut him up.
The other evening I made the mistake of filling up Gus’s bowl first. Well Erwin made a b-line to the bowl of food and started mowing it down. Poor Gus just stood there and watched him. He was too polite to push him out of the way; he just stood there while the cat ate HIS food.  I grabbed Erwin and took him over to his bowl and filled it up so everyone could have their own dinner.
Gus immediately dove nose first in his food bowl and started to scarf it down. He had to eat quick before the cat came back and stole it from him again. He got a few mouthfuls in, and then well…he ate to fast and you know what can happen when you do that. Poor Gus, the cat tried to eat his food then he regurgitated in his own bowl to render the rest of it inedible. The look on his face was priceless.
Lesson learned. Erwin ALWAYS gets fed first, cause he’s a needy cat who is wasting away to nothing.  That and we don’t want Gus giving himself a tummy ache on account of the cat again.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Starry Splendor Quilt Top

This past weekend Mr. B went back to our home town to try and spear an elusive sturgeon. I on the other hand stayed at home were it was warm and toasty. I spent the majority of the weekend in comfy pants puttsing with the Juki and watching chick flicks with the fur babies.

 I was able to stitch this quilt top together.

Not a bad accomplishment for the weekend. I'm still pondering at how I'm going to quilt this one, by hand or straight line on the machine or take the plunge and try free motion quilting with the Juki. But first to find some backing fabric. Might have to do some online shopping, oh darn.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Penny Sampler Quilt - Sneek Peak

Over the past several months I've been plugging away at my newest masterpiece. Right after my crafty room was set up I started taking an online quilting class. We learned several different skills applique, paper piecing, and precise piecing. The practice projects were blocks that were sewn together to make a sampler quilt. Erwin is so gracioulsy modeling it for you.

Two weeks ago I finished the top and am now diligently working at hand quilting. I had originally planned to tie it with pearl cotton. But the more I looked at it and thought about it hand stitching was the way to go. Rather than an all over pattern I am stitching each block individually, decided on the different designs as I go. Once the thing is done I promise a post with an overload of photos.