Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sole Survivor

Last year we tried planting asparagus. It didn’t work to well. You see we bought the crowns and procrastinated. They sat on top of our fridge in a brown paper bag for a few weeks. By the time we got them in the ground some of them were a tad moldy on the ends. Then we completely covered them with dirt. You are supposed to cover them a few inches and slowly fill in the trench as they grow throughout the summer. And then it didn’t rain. It was dry last year, really dry, and I neglected to water.

We decided to give it another go this year. Mr. B retilled the plot and we made it into a raised bed, easier to fill in with dirt throughout the summer. After we tilled we let it sit for a few days and then bought the crowns. I went to weed it before I planted them this weekend, they only sat two days. While I was weeding I came across this little guy.

Somehow he managed to survive our neglect, the drought, and the Garden King.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ready for Planting

Mr. B finished moving the dirt this weekend and tilled the garden. She's all ready to produce some great veggies this year. 

I started some seedlings inside a few weeks ago. They are ready to head outdoors. 

The plan was to plant today. However it is cold and damp. Which doesn't make me want to play in the dirt. Maybe tomorrow.

I did get all my flowers planted this weekend and the asparagus, zucchini, and cucumbers all tucked away in the raised beds. Just need to do the big garden. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ode to the Garden King

She never fails, she's a tough old girl
A few good pulls to start and give her a whirl.

She's chain driven, she will not slip
She'll eat up that dirt lick-ity split.

She kicks up the rocks 
and gets dirt in your socks.

She tears through the roots 
to make room for the tender new shoots.

Making room for the lettuce and peas
the carrots and beans.

We shall have peppers and beets
tomatoes and leeks.

We will plant lots this spring.
oh Garden King you sure are a marvelous thing.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Down Goes the Mountain

The mountain of dirt is almost gone. We have raised beds along our goose run and a huge flower bed in our front yard. We also removed a garden dug into the hill and filled it in, it looked like crap, got very little sun, and was so far away from the house that I never weeded it. 

Mr B has assured me that by the time I get home from work tomorrow the last cart loads of dirt will be gone and the garden tilled and ready for our veggies to be planted. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Mom and I went flower shopping on Sunday, I still need to plant.

The dandilions are taking over the yard.

Our lillacs are in bloom.

 And Christmas is still a sassy boy.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Family Gathering

Saturday we got together with my family for a cookout at my parents house in honor of my fathers birthday. 

It was also my nephews birthday. He looks older every time I see him. 

There was good food. Nana maned the grill. My father normally kills everything twice when he does it. Nana on the other hand, her chick is perfect every time. She says its all about timing it. 7 minutes on one side 6 on the other. 

Family togetherness.

Toad rescuing. Does't he look like he was dying to be rescued from the window well.

A almost failed crafty project. Don't worry we saved it. My little sister is the self proclaimed least crafty of us.  

And what cookout wouldn't be complete without a trip to the pond for some tadpole catching.  

Muck boots optional. 

They were too small to keep this time. Maybe in a few weeks.

I guess we will have to have another cookout soon. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Raised Beds and a Mountain of Dirt

While we were playing lumberjacks on Saturday I had a load of dirt delivered. Mr. B told me to get five yards of dirt. So I ordered five yards, the guy said he would bring a truck load, it would be between five and six yards.
It's a mountain of dirt!

Don't worry we had big plans for this mountain. And I have a few back ups in case we still have extra dirt.

One of the main plans was constructing a raised bed along the sides of the goose run. We can't expand our vegetable garden any further in the area we have it with out cutting down a tree. So I thought we could plant some things in different areas of the yard. Who says they all need to be in the same plot o' mud.

Mr. B framed these up for me, based on my rough description on hand motions. He's getting really good at deciphering what I want.

Then we filled it with a layer of leaf compost.  We dumped most of our leaves at the edge of the woods past two falls. This spring we dug down through the top layer to get at the good stuff underneath. It will continue to break down and feed the plants in the garden.

Last year I kept asking Mr. B to help me build some compost bins, it would be nice to have and most of my flower beds could benefit from some good food. He kept telling me no. Well while we were working on this endeavor he agreed that something to contain the leaves/compost would be easier. We will be building some simple three sided corral for composting soon.

After the compost came the dirt. Several garden carts full. Praise the Lord we didn't have to wheelbarrow it. It's been enough work just shoveling it. We also moved some to the front flower bed. I'm hoping to show you that in a few days when its not just a pile of dirt, but has some plants in it.

Now all we need is the plants. I'm thinking asparagus on one side, as it comes back every year. And the cucumbers and zucchinis on the other, as they take up a bit of garden space and are lower maintenance compared to the tomatoes.

Oh and we will need a fence around it. We have to sassy boys who want to eat everything they are not supposed to. Bruce, Christmas, I'm talking about you.

As for the mountain of dirt I would say we still have about 1/2 to 1/3 of it left. I guess we might have to implement the back up plans. Oh darn.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Playing at Lumberjacks

On Saturday some helpers came to cut down some trees with us. I decided that we needed to cut down some scraggly pines that were by our raspberry patch. They were blocking out most of the sun and the berries were doing poorly. I also have a scheme to add some blue berries and black berries to the patch and eventually put a picket fence around it. Surprisingly Mr. B was completely on board. Well at least with the cutting down trees part. We shall see how many years it takes to get my fence. 

As usual no before pictures because I'm an airhead. And no during pictures because I was busy manning the ATV dragging branches to the burn pit while the boys were busy wielding chain saws. Here's what it looks like now. 

Still some clean up to do.

Even after a few days the berries are doing much better, at least to me they seem like it. And although they dropped one of the trees on them they did bounce back nicely. 

The irises that were in that area, not so much. They got trampled. Oh well, there root system still looks good and next year they will be just fine. I'm planing on transplanting them any way this week. 

Now we just need to find an day with little wind. I think we have a bit of burning to do. 

You bring the marshmallows and we'll have smores. you'll need to find a long poker-stick. I have a feeling this is going to be a big fire.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The past two days we have been working on deconstructing one of our flower beds. It sits off the back porch. Once again no before pictures because I'm an airhead.

 Early in the spring it looks nice, then it rains and the dog tracks the mud into the house. Then it progresses to the summer and the weeds start to take over and Gus decides that it would be a good spot to wrestle with his friends and the day lilies make the perfect place for an afternoon nap.
It had to go. 

We contacted the concrete guy last fall and have a plan in place to have a patio poured. But first I wanted to move the plants, and the rocks that made the border. 

The plants have been moved to a garden on the side of the house. Well it used to be two gardens, but this weekend we connected them and tore out the bushes in one of them. We tilled and then moved the plants. 

The rocks were moved to the front yard to make a boarder for a new flower bed. 

More on that to come. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

He's Super Fast

Mr. B and I took a break while we were doing yard work to take some pictures. I was trying to get some action shots of Bruce and Christmas chasing Gus.

BTW: I was mowing the grass and it snowed. WTF mother nature! It's May, the flowers are up the trees are getting their leaves you decided to snow. Not amused.
Instead Mr. B got this one of Gus all wound up while I was playing with my new toy. We went to Fleet Farm to get some materials to make a raised flower bed. Rather than lumber or end pieces we came home with a new pellet gun and some targets, cause that's how we roll.  

Gus gets all excited when we use it. I should really get a video of it. He does this funny dance and growls/whines in anticipation. All of this steams from Mr. B playing nurf wars with him.

Monday, May 6, 2013


As you know this past Sunday was Cinco de Mayo. An excuse to drink margaritas and eat Mexican food. The family got together for our own fiesta. Complete with a pinata. The kids couldn't wait for us to get there to do that. (Sad face)

I could kick myself for not taking more pictures but I did get this one of the table. Just look at that delicious spread. Refried beans, enchiladas, tacos, rice, and some sort of soup/sauce thing that was A-mazing, the sistas new boyfriend is a chef he brought that. 


And of course a glamour shot of the cup cakes.  

Didn't you know taking pictures of food is more important that taking pictures of you family. Maybe it because it stays put while you try and find good light. And it will never think of you as the person with the camera who always want your photo.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mrs. AJ

Last year there was a pair of Red Tails nesting in the big pine in the front yard. They are back again this year. We refer to them and Mr. and Mrs. AJ. My MIL started calling hawks AJ and it kinda stuck. Get it AJ Hawk from the Green Bay Packers. Yeah I know…

Bruce and Christmas are too big of fatties for the hawks to bother with. Now the in-laws purse dog Ninny, well he’s a different story.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

A quilty blog that I follow used to do a wordless Wednesday post every week. Just photos. I thought I would give it a try. More motivation to get out there and use the camera. 
Here are some shots from the garden.