Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Table

As promised.

The other week, while I was being the snot monster, Mr. B was building me a table. Yes a table. What started out as drawing up plans to build a bench for the mud room ended up with plans for a table and two benches (one for the mud room and one for the table) and a trip to Menard's for the lumber that evening at 8:00. Nothing like closing the hardware store. 

Once you get Mr. B excited about a project there is no stopping him. He is also a slight perfectionist. It took him several evenings and one smashed finger to get the legs and apron to his standards.  

We modeled our table on a combination of the Solomon Table from Pottery Barn and plans from Ana White's website. I wanted something big that would take up the space and fit my family when they come for dinner. (or, as my MIL hopes, if we have an army of children) Well I got my big table, it's monstrous 4' x 8' and heavy. That table isn't going anywhere. The table top made up of 2x10, what you would use for floor joices in home construction. 

When we were devising our plans we decided that we would need to be able to easily detach the legs. Some day soon, as in this spring, we are going to refinish our wood floors. It would be necessary to move the table out of the room. Mr. B was all fancy and made an angled piece that the leg bolts to, pulling it tight to the apron. (we studied the table we had to get this idea, so no he isn't a complete genius)

I sanded the table. I got to use a belt sander for the first time, talk about an upper body work out. Mr. B also bought me a new orbital sander. Having your hubby buy you power tools is by far one of the most romantic gestures. My mother and I stained the table and I put two coats of poly on top.

I love the way it turned out!! And for $120 you can't beat it. Now to convince the hubby that he should build me a new buffet. The one we have is only three feet long and looks disproportionate compared to the table.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nappy Dog

Someone had a long holiday weekend playing with all of his furry cousins. Good thing his Honkers makes such a nice pillow. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gone but Not Forgotten

He broke his wing. He must have tried to fly around the house with the other geese and just lost control while in the air and crashed into something. He smashed his wing beyond repair. There was nothing that could be done, besides amputation. And his recovery and quality of life would be questionable.
I made the hard decision to end his suffering. He is buried out in the yard near Charlie and Gertrude. 
I will miss my sassy boy.  

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Pie

Happy Thanksgiving! 
We are off to my Aunt's house to celebrate with family. 
And eat. Lots of good food. This year I was asked to bring pie. I decided to try my hand at Pecan Pie. 

Last week we saw an episode of Cook's Country were they made old fashioned pecan pie. Pecan pie without the corn syrup. I knew that it was something I was going to have to try. 

I couldn't just make one. I had to make two. 

Don't they look delicious!
Let's hope they taste as good as they look. 

See what they are sitting on. Last week while I was the snot monster, Mr. B was busy building me something. But more on that tomorrow.. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Snot Monster

Last Monday I came down with a cold of epic proportions. I spent all of last week feeling miserable. I went though two boxes of tissue. I was a snot monster. It was gross. I felt gross. I probably looked gross, with my raw nose and tissue 
permanently in hand. 

Then Mr. B left for the weekend. Traditional male bonding, let's go shoot things and put meat on the table kind of bonding. It was the opening weekend of the gun deer season here in Wisconsin. So he left. Gus and I got some much needed snuggle time in. I got to watch chick flicks and eat popcorn and ice cream for dinner. Apart from being sick it was great.

I watched on of my favorite movies of all time. A supper cheesy take on a classic romantic drama, made in to a musical... Bollywood style. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Bed

Mr. B and I had a specific look in mind when it came to our bed. We wanted something simple and sturdy and in expensive. I searched Craig's list for months and couldn't find anything that we both agreed on. I did find these plans from Ana White, we would keep coming back to them. Finally we decided to take the plunge and build it.

We did modify the plans slightly. We made the headboard shorter to fit under whatever it is sticking out on that wall. I attached the frame slightly differently from the plans. Originally I had planned on painting it white to match the dressers. But thankfully my mother talked me out of that and convinced me to stain it. It would have been too much white in the room . Staining it makes the bed stand out.

I am so happy with they way it turned out. It has to be my favorite piece of furniture in the whole house. I am glad we decided to build something we both liked verses settling on buying something that was so-so.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Honkers the Fourth

Gus has one stuffie. It is his most favorite toy it also doubles as his pillow. A hedgehog that honked, not squeaked  Mama can't stand the high pitched squeakie toys. We nicknamed the stuffie honker. Over time it has become his security blanket. Over the  years we have gone through four hedgehogs. 

The first one we got him lasted about a year. He obsessively liked on spot on it's rear to the point were there was no fur in that spot and the stuffing started to fall out. Being the doting parents that we are we got him a new one. The same exact thing. This one was lost in when we moved from the apartment to Shady Acres. Once again we got him a new one. Honkers the Third. 

When we where fighting the infestation this weekend we decided rather that try to wash Honkers and his bed would just burn them. Sad, I know, but it was simpler than trying to deal with the flea eggs that were probably living in them.

Yesterday we went once again to the pet store to replace the favorite toy. We now have Honkers the Fourth. You can't tell from the picture but my baby boy was so very excited to once again have Honkers. This one even made noise, over time they wear out. He has been dutifully breaking it in, slobbering on it and shaping it to make the perfect pillow. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

MSB Sandwhich

Around here we love our sandwiches  We aren't talking your typical PB&Js. They are becoming more of an art form. 
Tonight I wiped up a beautiful combination. 
Mushroom, swiss, and bacon on sourdough.

Oooey, gooey, shroomy deliciousness. Next time I think I will add some mustard. It was good but needed a little tang. 

On a side note, I have eight different cheeses in the fridge right now. I might have a slight problem. It's OK we are from Wisconsin. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Friday night we were sitting around talking just before dinner. Mr. B was giving Gus a belly rub. What dog doesn't like a good belly rub. Gus is no different. And lately he has been really itchy and it's so easy to get both his kickers going. We assumed he was shedding and had a mild case of allergies. I was giving him Claritin for the itchiness and was going t make a vet appointment for early next week. 

Well I don't have to make a vet appointment. Gus doesn't have allergies. Gus has fleas. You heard me right F-L-E-A-S. As in the nasty creepy crawlies that bight and make you itch and lay eggs in everything. Yes we have an infestation of fleas at this house.  Mr. B found a few of them on his belly during the belly rub. 

Neither of us made the lovely ham penne bake that I was making for dinner. There was no time. It was 7pm on Friday evening and we had to plan our counter attack. Mr. B would drive to the big city to find some shampoo for the dog and something to treat all the furniture. Unfortunately we Gus thinks he needs to take his afternoon naps on our bed or the couch. I would take everything that could possibly be contaminated and could be washed to the laundromat. That was allot of stuff. All the bedding all the dirty clothes, we let them pile on the floor in the corner of the room and the dog sometimes sleeps on them, all the rugs that could be washed. It was a car full! 

By the time we made it to bed four hours later I think we had a good start on controlling the out break. The dog had been bathed, the furniture and large area rugs had been doused in spray and vacuumed  Everything had been washed in hot soapy water. Thank goodness we don't have wall to wall carpeting in the house anymore. I can only imagine the army of eggs that would be living in that. 

Yesterday I applied Frontline to the dog. I know I should have been doing that all along and we wouldn't be in this situation. I think I have learned my lesson well. From now on Frontline year round. I do feel like a horrible mom for letting this happen to my baby boy. I thought that now that it was getting cooler out we would be in the clear. I guess not. I also feel like crap thinking he had allergies and was itching himself raw in some places. The thought of fleas never even crossed my mind. 

I think the main battle is over. For the next few weeks we just need to be diligent in bathing Gus and spraying down the house. We need keep the eggs under control till the risk of them hatching and rising up against to avenge their parents. We should be in the clear in time for Thanksgiving. Sorry to say our house is in quarantine right now and none of Gus's doggie friends will be allowed over to play.