I went for a run.
You heard that right a run, as in moving at a speed faster than a walk and never having both feet on the ground at the same time.
OK maybe not the second part. It's been awhile, like seven years a while. I had to walk some. But I ran more than I walked. So we can it still counts as going for a run.
Gus went with me. I didn't ask him to, he just started to tag along. That's the nice thing about our street. It's not busy. There are five houses on our road and really the only people that drive down it are the ones who live there. So we don't leash our dog. That way he can run ahead and come back and run ahead and come back. Or run ahead and lay in the grass and wait for me to catch up.
I'm running all graceful gazelle like with Gus tagging along. We run past the first house. Ruby, the short hair pointer, decides to join us in our romp. I thought she would go back as soon as we got a ways down the road. Not so much. I was in my groove; I didn't want to turn back. Not to mention I was beginning to sweat, my face was beet red, and I was starting to gasp for air. Ruby would just have to come with us. Hopefully no one would notice she was gone.
We continue running with Ruby and Gus up ahead having a wonderful romp. We go past the next house. Their dogs barrel out into the road to great us. Chester, the old Black Lab who is three toes short, and Lilly, the Puggle who is a tad on the round side, both decided to come with.
So now it's me and four dogs. Going for a run. It must have been a sight. I should have had a camera. To take a picture of the dogs; you really don't want to see me all red faced and sweaty gasping for air. Not a pretty sight. But all four of the doggies romping together, that would have been cute.
We reached the end of the road and turned around. We ran past Chester and Lilly's. They had had enough and decided that a nice long nap on the couch was a good idea Chester is old and that was more than enough exertion. for Miss Lilly.
The three of us kept on. Gus, Ruby and myself. It was tough going for Ruby and I for a while. She's a little on the old side and I'm a little on the out of shape side. When we made it to her house and she had had enough too. She went on home to find a nice shady spot to spend the rest of the afternoon.
It was just me and Gus. The home stretch. Up the hill. We did it. No puking and no crying. It was brutal.
I might do it again tomorrow.